Our Vision
A vital church living through the power of the Holy Spirit, creating passionate disciples of Jesus Christ, and transforming lives and the world.
Contact Information
Church office: (304)525-3581
GMAIL: communityofgraceUMC@gmail.com
Ministers – People of the Congregation.
Donna S. Hinkle, Pastor (304)972-7774 (Cell).
Eric Hodges, Organist and Director of Music.
Bonita Williams, Pianist.
Karen Williams, Secretary
- Earl Webb, Custodian
Nursery – While all children are welcome in the worship service, there is a nursery provided for children aged five years old and younger.
Covenant Groups are at the heart of our ministry. In a covenant group, you find support and loving accountability (not judgement) and the opportunity to study scripture and grow in your faith. We are always trying to form new groups. Prayerfully consider joining with fellow pilgrims on a faith journey together. Let Pastor Donna know if you would like to join a group.
Mission opportunities abound at Community of Grace! Each week on Saturday mornings, a group goes to Trinity Episcopal Church to minister to and with the homeless. We have an ongoing relationship with the people of Haiti and send teams to Haiti and other international destinations. We are always looking for mission opportunities in our state (flood relief 2016) and our neighborhood. If you have a passion to serve in this way, talk to Pastor Donna or call the church office!